Training for Pharmaceutical Professionals
QP training providers concentrate on the Technical and Academic aspects of the Qualified Person role, which are essential elements for anyone who wants to gain the knowledge and experience required.
QPQuandary is different. We give you an additional dimension.
We work on a one to one basis, using a challenging yet supportive approach, for those working towards Qualified Person Status, we concentrate on building problem solving, decision making and leadership competencies. QPs trained by QPQuandary will become key players in your organisation with the necessary technical, interpersonal and leadership skills to build business excellence.
Our Services
Support for Your Organisation
✔ Candidate Selection
✔ Sponsor Selection
Support for QP Sponsors
✔ Overview of the route to UK QP eligibility
✔ Ongoing support for QP Sponsors
Support for Trainee QPs
✔ Individual Coaching
✔ Group Sessions - Mock Viva
Online resources
QPQuandary also offers a wealth of on-line resources to trainee QPs and other quality professionals.
Quality Consultancy
✔ Training Courses
✔ Quality Management Systems
✔ Locum QP Services